
30 essential UX stats you need to know


by Editorial Staff

Cracking the formula to your user experience can make or break your business. Read on for 30 facts to show just how vital it is to make UX your priority


by Editorial Staff

Cracking the formula to your user experience can make or break your business. Read on for 30 facts to show just how vital it is to make UX your priority

We all know what it’s like when you visit a website or an app and you face a poor user experience. But beyond being frustrating, having a poor UX can do serious damage to a business’ bottom line. With people spending more and more time online, it’s never been more important to ensure your online presence is a cut above the rest in terms of usability.

Read on for 30 stats to prove that cracking your UX is so much more than a ‘nice to have’.

The cost of poor UX

#1. Slow image loading times can cause 39% of users to abandon a site (Source: ukwebhostreview.com)

#2. 90% of users have stopped using an app due to poor performance (Source: toptal.com)

#3. 57% of users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site (Source: socpub.com)

#4. 88% of online users are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience (Source: toptal.com)

#5. 70% of online companies that fail do so because of bad usability (Source: smallbizgenius.net)

#6. Between 15% and 30% of people abandon websites due to bad user experience (Source: uxdesign.cc)

#7. 44% of online shoppers will tell friends about a bad experience online (Source: youpicom.fr)

#8. 48% of users say that if they visit a business site that isn’t working well on mobile, they take it as an indication that the business doesn't care (Source: blog.marginmedia.com)

#9. 32% of all customers would stop doing business with a brand they loved after one bad experience (Source: pwc.com)

#10. 86% deleted or uninstalled at least one mobile app because of problems with its performance (Source: appdynamics.com)

Why it’s so important to get your UX right

#11. 83% of people say a ‘seamless experience across all devices’ is very important (Source: Toptal.com)

#12. Better UX design could yield conversion rates up to 400% (Source: Forrester.com)

#13. Spending 10% of your development budget on usability should improve your conversion rate by 83% (Source: nngroup.com)

#14. Judgements on website credibility are 75% based on a website’s overall aesthetics (Source: invisionapp.com)

#15. 85% of adults think that a company’s mobile website should be as good or better than their desktop website (Source: visual.ly)

#16. Every $1 invested in UX yields a $2 to $100 return (Source: theamericangenius.com)

#17. 73% point to experience as an important factor in their purchasing decisions, behind price and product quality (Source: pwc.com)

#18. Focus on UX encourages customers to pay 14.4% more and increases their eagerness to recommend the product to others by 16.6% (Source: forrester.com)

#19. By 2020, customer experience is predicted to overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator (Source: walkerinfo.com)

#20. A 62% increase in total sales is recorded for the companies who switched their websites to responsive design (Source: webandcrafts.com)

UX stats for success

#21. 70% of people scroll content, but only 20% scroll to the bottom (Source: brandminds.ro)

#22. 44% of users will leave if there’s no contact information (Source: ukwebhostreview.com)

#23. 86% of users want to find more information about a site’s products and services after landing on a homepage (Source: userbrain.net)

#24. 70% of people pay attention to bulleted lists (Source: ukwebhostreview.com). 55% look at lists without bullet points (Source: tytonmedia.com)

#25. Content sliders don’t work – only 1% of users click on them (Source: userbrain.net)

#26. 47% of users expect websites to load in less than 2 seconds (Source: bluecorona.com)

#27. Users scan websites and in 2.6 seconds they create their first impression on the layout's most interesting section (Source: sweor.com)

#28. On average, visitors spend 80% of their time viewing the left half of the page and 20% viewing the right (Source: nngroup.com)

#29. On a mobile site, around half of all users start to scroll within 10 seconds, and 90% within 14 seconds (Source: sectorlight.com)

#30. 59% of people prefer a beautifully designed website. (Source: https://www.ukwebhostreview.com)

Did any of the stats surprise you? Let us know over on Twitter or LinkedIn @deltatre.